State-mandated change. Effective May 2024.* Administration of OVER-THE-COUNTER medications during the school day REQUIRE a medical provider AND parent/guardian signature. This includes but is not limited to: Ibuprofen or acetaminophen, oral or topical allergy medication, insect bite or burn-gel.

*In May 2024, the Leander ISD School Board approved updates to Board Policy FFAC (Local) supporting the Health Services Department alignment with best practices according to the Nursing Practice Act and the Texas Board of Nursing which state, “Nurses do not take original orders from patients, including their parents or other responsible persons, for the administration of medications in Texas.”

Standing Orders

Leander Health Services has Over-the-Counter Standing orders that each student can assess during the school day as long as parent/guardian has not opted-out during registration. 

Opt-Out Option:

If you prefer your child not to have access to OTC standing order medications during the school day, please use the links below to opt-out. These registration links enable each campus nurse to generate an up-to-date report with the names of students whose parents/guardians have opted-out.

Leander ISD has student health clinics in 48 schools, staffed by Registered Nurses, Licensed Vocational Nurses, and Clinic Assistants. The mission of our health services team is to ensure each student has access to their education by working collaboratively with families and school staff to provide whole-child centered care, prioritizing their health and safety while acting in a professional and empathetic manner.

Director of Health Services
Cristin Wicketts 
[email protected]

Student Health Information

If your child has any new medical condition(s), or an update to any existing medical condition, that the campus nurse needs to be made aware of, please submit this information by completing a Student Health Information Update. This form may also be used to notify your child’s campus nurse of any new or updated information regarding medication administration and/or health service support related to their condition(s), during the school day.


These forms will allow the health services team to provide care for your student while at school. Please feel free to ask your campus clinic staff if you have any questions.

Request to Administer Medication

If your student requires medication at school, please use one of these forms:

Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Plan

For students with anaphylaxis to food, insects, or other substances, please use one of these forms:

Respiratory Action Plan

For students with respiratory issues requiring an inhaler, please use this form:

​Seizure Care Plan

For students with a seizure disorder, please use this form:

Self-Carry Medications

For our older students, who the parents, the physician, and the health service staff deem able to administer their own emergency medication, please use this form:

Special Diet

If your child requires modification of school meals, please use one of these forms:

Diabetic Orders

If your student is a diabetic, please use one of these forms or your physician printed school order form:

Enteral Tube Feeding

If your student requires enteral feeding, please use this form:

Special Procedures

If your student requires a special procedure, such as urinary catheterization or tracheal suctioning, please use this form:

Community Disease & Health Updates

It’s Cold & Flu season

Here are some friendly reminders to help stay virus free this season:

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for 20 seconds
    • If soap and water not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Cover your Cough; Cough and sneeze into a tissue then throw it away, or cough and sneeze into your upper shirt sleeve, completely covering your mouth and nose
    • Wash your hands after coughing, sneezing, or blowing your nose
  • Disinfect frequently touched surfaces, and objects such as toys and doorknobs
  • Stay at home while you are sick.
  • Call and inform school nurse of confirmed Flu diagnosis.

LISD follows the Texas Department of Health Guidelines for illness-related exclusions from school. A student will be sent home if they have a fever of 100.0 Fahrenheit or above or any other contagious symptoms (vomiting, diarrhea, etc.) and will need to remain home until symptom free for twenty-four (24) hours, and without the use of medications.

Additionally, LISD has compiled important information regarding communicable diseases and health issues, including the flu, pertussis (whooping cough), varicella (chickenpox) and mosquito illnesses at the link below.

Texas Department of State Health Services

More information about Community Disease & Health Updates

District Health Guidelines

Leander ISD’s Health Guidelines outline information and processes dealing with the following topics:

  • Exclusion from school
  • Lice
  • Medication at school
  • Hospitalizations / Injuries requiring intervention

More information about Leander ISD Health Guidelines

Allergy Management

Anaphylaxis is a severe, potentially life-threatening allergic reaction. Common examples of triggers include foods, latex, insects and medication. Exposure can lead to various symptoms, which may include difficulty breathing, hives, difficulty swallowing or a dangerous drop in blood pressure and shock.

More information about Food Allergy Management



All students, new and returning, must complete their immunization requirements for school. The health services staff at your campus will be able to review your students’ immunization records and offer you locations to obtain immunizations, if they are needed.

  • Requirements 
  • Exceptions
  • Provisional Enrollment
  • Documentation
  • Resources

Private Duty Nurse

LISD has campus clinic personnel, comprised of RNs, LVNs and Clinic Health Assistants, providing health services for our students. Occasionally, parents may wish for additional nursing care for their child who has high health needs. Parents are financially responsible for this additional nursing care.

More information about Private Duty Nurse and their requirements

School Screenings

Leander ISD follows the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) guidelines in providing school screenings for our students.

For Vision and Hearing:

Leander ISD screens all 4-year-olds by Sept. 1. Kindergartners, 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th graders are screened, as well as all new to district students.

State Vision/Hearing Rules

For Spinal Screenings:

In accordance with DSHS, Leander ISD screens girls twice at ages 10 and 12 and boys once at age 13 or 14.

State Spinal Screening Rules

For Acanthosis Nigricans:

Leander ISD screens 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th grade students for skin markers associated with Type 2 Diabetes and other chronic health conditions.

AN screening information

Staff Directory

For a districtwide staff listing, visit the Staff Directory page.
Each LISD school has campus nurse. To contact your student’s campus nurse, please visit your school website.