The purpose of Child Find is to locate, identify and evaluate children:

  • Children birth through age 21 who require Special Education support
  • Children transferring to our district with an existing Special Education plan
  • Students that live in LISD but are not enrolled in LISD schools

The purpose of evaluation is to assess their possible need for special education and related services. Child Find is a free referral and information service available through local education agencies and Service Center Region XIII.

Children learn, grow, and develop at different rates. If you are concerned your child may be learning, playing, or interacting differently from others, please contact us in one of two ways:

For more information on students with an existing special education plan transferring into our district, students who live in the district but attend private school, charter school, or are homeschooled, see this Leander ISD Child Find FAQ.

Referral Process

Referrals may be initiated by (but are not limited to):

  • Parents
  • Preschool Teachers/Directors
  • Physicians
  • Outside agencies/therapists/ECI

Students receiving services through ECI will be transitioned into the public school system starting as early as 120 days prior to their third birthday. 

Please visit the Special Programs Handbook to gain insights into the steps of the Special Programs process that support our students’ educational journeys.

Staff Directory

For a districtwide staff listing, visit the Staff Directory page.