How do I sign up for transportation?
To sign up for transportation: 1) Check to see if your student(s) is/are eligible to receive transportation services 2) Submit the appropriate bus registration form.
What is the pick up time for my bus?
Check the SMARTtag Student Ridership Parent Portal to receive the latest bus information. (route number, stop location, pick up and drop off times)
How can I change my bus stop location?
To maximize efficiencies and ensure students arrive at their respective campuses safely and on time, bus stops are located on main roads and centralized areas. Leander ISD’s walk-to-stop distance has set up bus stops so that students have to walk a maximum of five-tenths a mile (or five long blocks) to their bus stop. If you have a different reason for changing your bus stop (moved to new location, etc.) submit the appropriate change request form.
Which bus does my child ride?
Check the SMARTtag Student Ridership Parent Portal for bus route information
Does my student have to have a Smart-Tag badge to get on the bus?
For security reasons and to save time when loading the bus, we encourage all students to utilized the SMARTtag badge; however, if the student does not have a SMARTtag badge the driver can manually enter the student’s name or student identification number.
How do I enroll in the Smart-Tag program?
Please visit the SMARTtag Student Ridership Parent Portal to register
Transportation employment opportunities
We are hiring and training Careers site to apply now.
How do I file a complaint?
Your feedback is important to us. There are several topic specific locations on our website where you can report your specific complaint/concern. Let’s talk
Do all buses have seatbelts?
All buses used for special transportation are equipped with seatbelts. Buses used for general transportation that were purchased after December 2018 are equipped with seatbelts.
Can my student bring a large item on the bus?
Large items such as musical instruments, athletic equipment, school projects, fundraiser items, etc. that are too large to be carried by the student and kept in his/her lap or where there is no space available to safely store the item on the bus are prohibited.
Can I change my child's bus for today?
Yes, if there is space on the bus and with prior authorization from Transportation. Submit your request to Dispatch at the appropriate terminal. Dispatch will confirm the seating capacity with the driver.
Does my student's bus have assigned seats?
Yes. All students are assigned a seat on the bus.
Will you provide transportation for another campus?
Transportation is provided to other campuses for students that have been district-placed at a campus for a special program that is not available at his/her home campus. We also provide general transportation to other campuses for students participating special programs such as: Advanced Math, Clinicals, Early College High School, Gifted/Talented, Golf, Hospitality, JROTC, Pace Math, Quest, Ready Set Teach, Swim and Tutuorials. Transportation is not provided for parent choice transfers.
When will we receive my student's bus information for the school year?
Route information will be available the week before school starts; however, anticipate changes up to the day before school as we continue to process new enrollments. Please visit the SMARTtag Student Ridership Parent Portal for the latest route information.
Who do I contact if my student is being bullied on the bus?
Please have your student report it to their driver, their home campus or submit an anoymous alert.
Am I required to be at the bus stop with my child?
Parents of Pre-k, Kindergarten, and 1st grade students are required to be at the bus stop with their children. Parents of all students with special needs are required to be a the bus stop unless the student’s Transportation Services Supplement states that the student can be left unattended at the stop.
Is there a mobile app for Let's Talk!
Yes, you can find it in the Apple Store or Google Play.
Can my student ride home with a friend?
Yes, if there is availability on the bus. Complete the Friends Riding request form 2 days in advance. Routing will notify you and the campus if there is space on the bus.
I have a bus safety concern
Safety is our top priority and we want to hear from you. Visit the Safety Guidelines sections for our website to submit your concern. We will respond to you as soon as possible.
Is there a phone number for transportation?
The general number for transportation is 512-570-0700.
My student left an item on the bus, what do I do?
After each trip drivers check their buses and collect items left behind. If they know who the item belongs to and have time, they will take the item to the front office at the campus. Unidentified items left on the bus may be claimed by the student on their next ride or the next day; whichever comes first. Drivers may also turn valuable items in to the Dispatch office for safe keeping.
My child is sick. Do I need to let Transportation know he won't be riding the bus?
Only students riding special transportation are required to contact transportation when they will not ride the bus. All other students do not need to contact transportation unless they are the only ones utilizing that bus stop (e.g in rural areas).
What do I do if my child(ren) is/are lost?
Remain calm. If you suspect that your child(ren) is/are lost, first check the SMARTtag Student Ridership Parent Portal to confirm if your child(ren) loaded the bus. If so, next contact our Dispatch office at 512-570-0700, choose your student’s assigned Terminal according to his/her/their route number. Please provide thorough details (student’s first and last name, student identification #, route number, stop location, description, etc.) regarding your student that will assist with locating him/her/them.
Why is my child's bus late?
There could be multiple reasons why your child’s bus may be running late, (mechanical issues involving the bus, traffic, weather, an incident involving the driver, monitor or another student, etc.) If your child’s bus is late to the stop check the SMARTtag Student Ridership Parent Portal to locate the bus and check the estimated time of arrival.
The bus did not come this morning, will it come this afternoon?
If your student’s bus did not arrive for morning pickup, the bus is still expected to transport the afternoon routes. If for whatever reason the assigned driver is unable to transport, another driver will be assigned to assist. Please be advised, in this case, the student may arrive later than expected to his/her destination.
My child is not appearing on the bus roster. Who do I contact?
If your child does not appear on the bus roster, submit the appropriate (General or Special Transportation Question) to Routing so that they can confirm if the request for transportation was properly submitted.