Rental fees and policies are subject to change based on Board action.

Leander ISD seeks to provide facilities to serve the students and youth by providing a quality educational environment. We welcome our community to use the district facilities for educational, recreational, civic and cultural activities when activities do not conflict with school use or with LISD Board policy.


  • Michelle Wilson, Facilities Coordinator
  • Lisa Keating, Facilities Specialist
  • Email Facility Rentals


UPDATE: As of Monday, February 24, 2025 all grass fields are OPEN with the exception of fields listed below under closed for maintenance/improvements.

Rental requirements may change based on the LISD’s COVID-19 status. Find the current status at COVID-19: Health Response Protocols.

Insurance and student rosters MUST be verified by Facility Rentals BEFORE events can occur.

The following fields/facilities are currently closed due to ongoing maintenance and improvements: 

Bagdad ES – Fields CLOSED


Leander HS – CLOSED except Bible Stadium

Running Brushy MS – All facilities CLOSED including field space.

Vista Ridge grass practice field – CLOSED

Group Types

District Sanctioned School Functions and Partners

District Sanctioned School Function groups shall mean approved organizations or associations affiliated with a particular school or the system as a whole and our City Partners (City of Leander and Cedar Park).

Youth Groups

Any group or organization intended to serve young people under the age of 21. (LISD Policy GKD Legal/GKD Local) Complete roster of students and campus must accompany request. Per policy, 85% of roster must be currently enrolled LISD students. Group must hold 501(c)(3) nonprofit status.

Youth Service Groups

Nationally recognized youth service organizations such as but not limited to Girl/Boy Scouts, Good News Club, and Heart to Heart will be charged $10 per meeting if meeting immediately after school dismisses. All other youth group fees will apply when meetings are not immediately after school.

Nonprofit Organizations

The term “Nonprofit Organization” shall mean any civic, service, political, governmental, religious or charitable agency, association, organization or partnership which is not engaged in a business or enterprise to produce income or a financial gain. This definition is not intended to preclude a nonprofit organization from engaging in fundraising activities or charging fees for services simply to defray the organization’s costs or for charitable purposes.

For-profit Organizations

The term “For-profit Organization” shall mean any, partnership, association, organization or corporation engaged in a business for profit which desires to use a school facility to engage in a profit-making enterprise for its owners, members, officers, directors or stockholders.

Facility Request Form

On weekdays, community use begins at 6:00 p.m.
Requests for an earlier start time will not be accommodated.

Policies & FAQs

  • No LISD fields or facilities are available for rent when the district is closed.
  • All elementary fields must be reserved using the application process.
  • Contracts and insurance must be on file with Facility Rentals office prior to use of LISD facilities.
  • Requests for facilities will be granted depending on availability.


UPDATE: As of Monday, February 24, 2025 all grass fields are OPEN with the exception of fields listed below under closed for maintenance/improvements.

Insurance and student rosters MUST be verified by Facility Rentals BEFORE events can occur.

Rental requirements may change based on the LISD’s COVID-19 status. Find the current status at COVID-19: Health Response Protocols.

The following fields/facilities are currently closed due to ongoing maintenance and improvements: 

Bagdad ES – Fields CLOSED


Leander HS – CLOSED except Bible

Running Brushy MS – All facilities CLOSED including field space.

Vista Ridge grass practice field – CLOSED