The Education and Training Career Cluster® focuses on planning, managing, and providing education and training services and related learning support services. All parts of courses are designed to introduce learners to the various careers available within the Education and Training career cluster.

2025-26 Programs of Study Guidebook

2024-25 Programs of Study Guidebook

Teaching and Training

The Teaching and Training Program of Study (Ready, Set, Teach) prepares students for careers related to teaching, coaching, or other fields in education such as counseling, speech pathology, special education, and instructional aides. By working with students, planning and teaching lessons, and assisting with other teacher responsibilities, students will gain real world experience in the classroom. Students will be provided observation & internship opportunities within local schools. Participants of the Teaching and Training (Ready, Set, Teach) program are guaranteed a job interview with LISD upon completing a teacher certification program.

Learn More! 2025-26 CTE Programs of Study Guidebook

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