The Assessment and Accountability department serves in various capacities for the district, facilitating all state assessment processes including STAAR (all versions), TAKS and TELPAS; collecting, analyzing and reporting a variety of data for district and campus leadership that support and guide district and campus planning; and monitoring compliance with state and federal accountability and reports accountability results.
Parent resources regarding state assessment may be viewed on the Texas Assessment website.
Student Test Results: How to Access the STAAR Student Report Card
Student Performance Data
- State Accountability 2023 Report
- District and campus state accountability ratings based on state formulas within three domains, including state assessment, student growth, student group performance in relation to established targets, CCMR, and graduation. The performance data (STAAR, STAAR Alt 2, TELPAS, etc) includes only students who were enrolled on Snapshot day in late October and also took the state assessment in the same campus and/or district.
- If a student was enrolled on campus A in October but moved and tested at campus B in the spring, the student’s results would not contribute to either campus performance, but would count toward the district performance.
- District and campus state accountability ratings based on state formulas within three domains, including state assessment, student growth, student group performance in relation to established targets, CCMR, and graduation. The performance data (STAAR, STAAR Alt 2, TELPAS, etc) includes only students who were enrolled on Snapshot day in late October and also took the state assessment in the same campus and/or district.
- Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR)
STAAR Information
The State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness (STAAR) program includes the following tests:
- Reading: Grades 3-8
- Mathematics: Grades 3-8
- Science: Grades 5 and 8
- Social Studies: Grade 8
- High School End-of-Course (EOC) exams: English I, English II, Algebra I, Biology and U.S. History
LISD State Testing Calendars
Each campus creates their own testing schedule within the TEA testing window. Please contact your child’s campus regarding the campus testing schedule.
The STAAR assessment is redesigned for 2022-2023. Information on this redesign may be accessed on the TEA website.
Spring Testing Information
One pager of Information:
STAAR Student Results Timeline:
2024 State Assessment (STAAR, STAAR Alt, TELPAS) Results for students will be available on the following dates. Parents and students may access their results via
Dates preliminary results will be available in the parent portal (per TX Education Agency):
- Spring STAAR End of Course: June 7, 2024 (English I and II, Biology, Algebra I, US History)
- Spring STAAR Gr 3-8: June 14, 2024 (Reading, Math, Science (5th gr and 8th gr only) and Social Studies (8th gr only)
- STAAR Alternate 2: June 20, 2024
- Summer (June) STAAR End of Course: August 2, 2024
- TELPAS K-12: June 12, 2024
- TELPAS Alternate Gr. 2-12: May 14, 2024
Accessing Results instructions
Additionally, results may be accessed through the Home Access Center (HAC):
- Log into your Home Access Center (HAC) account.
- Select the Grades tab
- Select Texas Test Scores
- Click on the link to STAAR English/Spanish – this will log you into the parent portal and you will see assessment results.
Questions may be directed to your campus administration or to the Leander ISD State Assessment office.
House Bill 4545 Requirements
The 87th legislative session eliminated the Student Success Initiative (SSI) for students in 5th and 8th grade; however, the SSI was replaced with requirements enacted with HB 4545 as shared below:
- Students who do not meet the passing standard on a STAAR assessment, or students who do not take an applicable STAAR assessment, are subject to accelerated instruction requirements as outlined in HB 4545. This includes grades 3–8 and STAAR End of Course assessments. Students will only take the STAAR assessment one time within the designated testing window.
- Per legislation, 30 hours of accelerated instruction must be provided for each STAAR assessment not passed or not taken. This may be completed during the school day or before/after school, depending on the campus schedule.
Texas Education Agency (TEA) / State Accountability
State accountability information for any campus and the district may be viewed at
- State Accountability 2022 Report
- District and campus state accountability ratings based on state formulas within three domains, including state assessment, student growth, student group performance in relation to established targets, CCMR, and graduation. The performance data (STAAR, STAAR Alt 2, TELPAS, etc) includes only students who were enrolled on Snapshot day in late October and also took the state assessment in the same campus and/or district.
- If a student was enrolled on campus A in October but moved and tested at campus B in the spring, the student’s results would not contribute to either campus performance, but would count toward the district performance.
Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR)
The Texas Academic Performance Reports (TAPRs) pull together a wide range of information on the performance of students in each school and district in Texas every year. Performance is shown disaggregated by student groups, including ethnicity and socioeconomic status. The reports also provide extensive information on school and district staff, programs, and student demographics.
- District Report for 2023-24
- Reports by Campus 2023-24
- Glossary for Report-English | Glossary for Report-Spanish
- Previous Years’ Reports
The TAPRs were previously known as the Academic Excellence Indicator Systems (AEIS) Reports. Those reports were published from 2003-04 to 2011-12. They may be found at the AEIS Archive.
Federal & School Report Cards
Federal Report Cards for 2023–24
School Report Cards
The School Report Cards are produced annually for each Texas public school and contains information from the Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR), as well as some information from the Accountability Rating System for Texas Public Schools and Districts.
Improvement Plans & House Bill 3 Plans
District & Campus Improvement Plans
Texas Education Code requires that each campus develop an improvement plan with established objectives based on the Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR). These objectives are approved by the local board of trustees and are published in the annual report.
Contact Information
Sue Neidecker
HB3 Plans
House Bill 3, passed during Texas’ 86th Legislative Session, requires each elementary school to develop an Early Childhood Literacy & Mathematics Proficiency plan and each high school to develop a College, Career, and Military Readiness plan with specific annual goals. These plans are approved by the local board of trustees on an annual basis.
Staff Directory
For a districtwide staff listing, visit the Staff Directory page.